Web APIs that has been secured by ASP.NET Identity.
So "EZi" supports Claim Based security
standars like: OAuth, OpenID
List of useful APIs.
Via these APIs you can connect EZi workflow engine to your LOB applications.
EZi use Microsoft Visio to design workflow steps. So you can choice your modeling language easily.
It doesn't matter it is UML/EPC/BPMN/ or even simple flowchart ?!?!
After design and configure the workflow should be published on a web based management console. There you can track, monitor and manage Workflows instances.
EZi workflow engine can integrate in to Microsoft SharePoint as a custom feature.
EZi extend SharePoint features. such as:
-EZi WebApplicaton/List Setting
-EZi Permission Levels
-Organizational Chart
-Task List
Workflow engine is responsible for managing
workflow definitions ,
workflow Instances and workflow execution tracking in run time
Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) is the general procedure of copying data from one source into a destination system which represents the data differently from the source or in a different context than the source
This service is a continuse process to execute repeating workflows. For example suppose that you want to start reporting workflow monthly, JOB service can run your workflow on schedule.